Please see Google Scholar for a complete publication list; email for a PDF copy of any published papers.
(WildCo members highlighted in bold below.)
Tjaden-McClement, K., R. Naidoo, A. Brennan, A. C. Burton. (2025). Global prioritization schemes vary in their impact on the placement of protected areas. PLOS One, 20(1).
Baillie-David, K., Volpe, J. P., Burton, A. C., & Fisher, J. T. (2024). Grey wolves (Canis lupus) shift selection of anthropogenic landscape features following predator control in the Nearctic boreal forest. Biological Conservation, 296, 110677.
Barnas, A. F., Ladle, A., Burgar, J. M., Burton, A. C., Boyce, M. S., Eliuk, L., Grey, F., Heim, N., Paczkowski, J., & Stewart, F. E. (2024). How landscape traits affect boreal mammal responses to anthropogenic disturbance. Science of The Total Environment, 915, 169285. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169285
Burton, A. C., Beirne, C., Gaynor, K. M., Sun, C., Granados, A., Allen, M. L., Alston, J. M., Alvarenga, G. C., Calderón, F. S. Á., Amir, Z., Anhalt-Depies, C., Appel, C., Arroyo-Arce, S., Balme, G., Bar-Massada, A., Barcelos, D., Barr, E., Barthelmess, E. L., Baruzzi C., … Kays, R. (2024). Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(5), 924–935.
Chen, C., Granados, A., Brodie, J. F., Kays, R., Davies, T. J., Liu, R., Fisher, J. T., Ahumada, J., McShea, W., Sheil, D., Mohd‐Azlan, J., Agwanda, B., Andrianarisoa, M. H., Appleton, R. D., Bitariho, R., Espinosa, S., Grigione, M. M., Helgen, K. M., Hubbard, A., … Burton, A. C. (2024). Combining camera trap surveys and IUCN range maps to improve knowledge of species distributions. Conservation Biology, 38(3), e14221.
Curveira‐Santos, G., Marion, S., Sutherland, C., Beirne, C., Herdman, E. J., Tattersall, E. R., Burgar, J. M., Fisher, J. T., & Burton, A. C. (2024). Disturbance‐mediated changes to boreal mammal spatial networks in industrializing landscapes. Ecological Applications, e3004.
Maltman, J. C., Coops, N. C., Rickbeil, G. J., Hermosilla, T., & Burton, A. C. (2024). Quantifying forest disturbance regimes within caribou (Rangifer tarandus) range in British Columbia. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6520. 10.1038/s41598-024-56943-0
Muise, E. R., Andrew, M. E., Coops, N. C., Hermosilla, T., Burton, A. C., & Ban, S. S. (2024). Disentangling linkages between satellite-derived indicators of forest structure and productivity for ecosystem monitoring. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 13717. 10.1038/s41598-024-64615-2
Sun, C., & Cole Burton, A. (2024). The importance of independence in unmarked spatial capture–recapture analysis. Wildlife Biology, 2024(3), e01182.
Sun, C., Granados, A., Beirne, C., Chow-Fraser, G., Francis, A., Kwong, L., Soroye, P., Yip, H., Miettunen, A., Bowman, J., & Burton, A. C. (2024). A toolkit for greater equity, diversity, and inclusion in early-career ecology funding. FACETS, 9, 1–9.
Fennell, M., A. Ford, T. Martin, & C. Burton. 2023. Assessing the impacts of recreation on habitat use by mammals in an isolated alpine protected area.
Chen, C., A. Granados, J. F. Brodie, R. Kays, T. J. Davies, R. Liu, … A. Uduman, J. Klees van Bommel, & A. C. Burton. 2023. Combining camera trap surveys and IUCN range maps to improve knowledge of species distributions. Conservation Biology.
Fisher, J. T., M. Dickie, J. Burgar, C. Burton, & R. D. Serrouya. 2023. Density estimates of unmarked mammals: Comparing two models and assumptions across multiple species and years. Canadian Journal of Zoology, (ja).
Granados, A., C. Sun, J. T. Fisher, A. Ladle, K. Dawe, C. Beirne, M. S. Boyce, E. Chow, M. Fennell, N. Heim, J. Klees van Bommel, R. Naidoo, M. Procko, F. E. C. Stewart, & A. C. Burton. 2023. Mammalian predator and prey responses to recreation and land use across multiple scales provide limited support for the human shield hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution, 13(9), e10464.
Procko, M., R. Naidoo, V. LeMay, & A. C. Burton. 2023. Human presence and infrastructure impact wildlife nocturnality differently across an assemblage of mammalian species. Plos one, 18(5), e0286131.
Hurtado, C., V. Hemming, & C. Burton. 2023. Comparing wildlife habitat suitability models based on expert opinion with camera trap detections. Conservation Biology.
2023. Bornean orangutan Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus population estimate within and around Danau Sentarum National Park, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Conservation Science and Practice, e12916.
, D. O. & T. C. H..Alvarez-Estape, M., H. Pawar, C. Fontsere, A. E. Trujillo, J. L. Gunson, R. A. Bergl, M. Bermejo, J. M. Linder, K. McFarland, J. F. Oates, J. L. Sunderland-Groves, J. Orkin, J. P. Higham, K. A. Viaud-Martinez, E. Lizano, & T. Marques-Bonet. 2023. Past Connectivity but Recent Inbreeding in Cross River Gorillas Determined Using Whole Genomes from Single Hairs. Genes, 14(3), 743.
Steenweg, R., M. Hebblewhite, C. Burton, J. Whittington, N. Heim, J. T. Fisher, … & M. Musiani. 2023. Testing umbrella species and food-web properties of large carnivores in the Rocky Mountains. Biological Conservation, 278, 109888.
Klees van Bommel, J., C. Sun, A. T. Ford, M. Todd, & A. C. Burton. 2022. Coexistence or conflict: Black bear habitat use along an urban-wildland gradient. Plos one, 17(11), e0276448.
Bandyopadhyay, M., A. C. Burton, S. K. Gupta, & R. Krishnamurthy. 2022. Understanding the distribution and fine-scale habitat selection of mesocarnivores along a habitat quality gradient in western Himalaya. PeerJ, 10, e13993.
Sun, C., J. M. Burgar, J. T. Fisher, & A. C. Burton. 2022. A cautionary tale comparing spatial count and partial identity models for estimating densities of threatened and unmarked populations. Global Ecology and Conservation, 38, e02268.
Martin, A. J., & A. C. Burton. 2022. Social media community groups support proactive mitigation of human-carnivore conflict in the wildland-urban interface. Trees, Forests and People, 100332.
Procko, M., R. Naidoo, V. LeMay, & A. C. Burton. 2022. Human impacts on mammals in and around a protected area before, during, and after COVID-19 lockdowns. Conservation Science and Practice, e12743.
Burton, A.C., C. Beirne, C. Sun, A. Granados, M. Procko, C. Chen, M. Fennell, A. Constantinou, C. Colton, K. Tjaden-McClement, & J. T. Fisher. 2022. Behavioral “bycatch” from camera trap surveys yields insights on prey responses to human-mediated predation risk. Ecology and evolution, 12(7), p.e9108.
Hurtado, C. M., & A. C. Burton. 2022. Using habitat suitability information from across a species range to inform understudied ecosystems. Journal of Mammalogy, 103(4), 814-325.
Frey, S., D. Tejero, K Baillie-David, A. C. Burton, & J. T. Fisher. 2022. Predator control alters wolf interactions with prey and competitor species over the diel cycle. Oikos, e08821.
Aurich-Rodriguez, F., R. P. Piana, R. D. Appleton, & A. C. Burton. 2022. Threatened Andean bears are negatively affected by human disturbance and free-ranging cattle in a protected area in northwest Peru. Mammalian Biology, 102(1), 177-187.
Jessen, T. D., C. N. Service, K. G. Poole, A. C. Burton, A. W. Bateman, P. C. Paquet, & C. T. Darimont. 2022. Indigenous peoples as sentinels of change in human wildlife relationships: Conservation status of mountain goats in Kitasoo Xai’xais territory and beyond. Conservation Science and Practice, e12662.
Chen, C., A. C. Burton, et al. 2022. Global analysis of camera trap data highlights the importance of protected areas in maintaining mammal diversity. Conservation Letters.
Darlington, S., A. Ladle, A. C. Burton, J. Volpe, J. Fisher. 2022. Cumulative effects of human footprint, natural features and predation risk best predict seasonal resource selection by a range-expanding ungulate. Scientific Reports.
Uduman, A., S. Hagerman, E. Kroc, A. Watson, A. Kittle, and A. C. Burton. 2022. Attitudes towards leopards (Panthera pardus kotiya) in two pastoralist communities in Sri Lanka and considerations for human-leopard coexistence. Oryx.
Beirne, C., C. Sun, E. R. Tattersall, J. M. Burgar, J. T. Fisher, and A. C. Burton. 2021. Multispecies modelling reveals potential for habitat restoration to re-establish boreal vertebrate community dynamics. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Moore, J. F., K. Soanes, D. Balbuena, C. Beirne, M. Bowler, F. Carrasco‐Rueda, S. M. Cheyne, O. Coutant, P. M. Forget, J. K. Haysom, and P. R. Houlihan. 2021. The potential and practice of arboreal camera trapping. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2021;00:1–12.
Custode, L. B., M. M. Guzzo, N. Bush, C. Ewing, M. Procko, S. M. Knight, M. M. Rousseau-Clair, and D. R. Norris. 2021. Canadian private protected areas are located in regions of higher vertebrate species richness than government protected areas. FACETS 6:1323–1336.
Colton, C. P., N. C. Coops, A. C. Burton. 2021. Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) responses to forest harvesting: a review of underlying mechanisms and management recommendations. Forest Ecology and Management, 497:119471.
Burton, A. C., C. Chetkiewicz. 2021. Monitoring that matters: towards effective ecological monitoring to address cumulative impacts on biodiversity. In J. Blakley and D. Franks (eds), Cumulative Impact Assessment Handbook. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Sun, C., C. Beirne, J. Burgar, A. C. Burton. 2021. Using camera traps to link understory phenology with wildlife activity to evaluate habitat restoration. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Semper-Pascual, A., C. Burton, M. Baumann, J. Decarre, G. Gavier-Pizarro, B. Gómez-Valencia, L. Macchi, M. E. Mastrangelo, F. Pötzschner, P. V. Zelaya, and T. Kuemmerle. 2021. How do habitat amount and habitat fragmentation drive time-delayed responses of biodiversity to land-use change?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288(1942):20202466.
Wittische, J., S. Heckbert, P. M. James, A. C. Burton, and J. T. Fisher. 2021. Community-level modelling of boreal forest mammal distribution in an oil sands landscape. Science of The Total Environment 755:142500.
Fisher, J. T. and A. C. Burton. 2021. Spatial structure of reproductive success infers mechanisms of ungulate invasion in Nearctic boreal landscapes. Ecology and evolution 11(2):900-911.
Parsons, B. M., N. C. Coops, S. P. Kearney, C. Burton, T. A. Nelson, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2021. Road visibility influences habitat selection by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 99:161-171.
GarcÃa-Olaechea, A. and C. M. Hurtado. 2020. Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(2):15244-15250.
van Bommel, J. K., M. Badry, A. T. Ford, T. Golumbia, and A. C. Burton. 2020. Predicting human-carnivore conflict at the urban-wildland interface. Global Ecology and Conservation 24:e01322.
Naidoo, R. and A. C. Burton. 2020. Relative effects of recreational activities on a temperate terrestrial wildlife assemblage. Conservation Science and Practice 2(10):e271.
Caravaggi, A., A. C. Burton, D. A. Clark, J. T. Fisher, A. Grass, S. Green, C. Hobaiter, T. R. Hofmeester, A. K. Kalan, D. Rabaiotti, and D. Rivet. 2020. A review of factors to consider when using camera traps to study animal behavior to inform wildlife ecology and conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 2(8): e239.
Parsons, B. M., N. C. Coops, G. B. Stenhouse, A. C. Burton, and T. A. Nelson. 2020. Building a perceptual zone of influence for wildlife: delineating the effects of roads on grizzly bear movement. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66(4):1-16.
McClelland, C. J., N. C. Coops, S. P. Kearney, A. C. Burton, S. E. Nielsen, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2020. Variations in grizzly bear habitat selection in relation to the daily and seasonal availability of annual plant-food resources. Ecological Informatics 58:101116.
Fisher, J. T., A. C. Burton, L. Nolan, L. Roy. 2020. Influences of landscape change and winter severity on invasive ungulate persistence in the Nearctic boreal forest. Scientific Reports 10(1):1-11.
Holinda, D., J. M. Burgar, and A. C. Burton. 2020. Effects of scent lure on camera trap detections vary across mammalian predator and prey species. PLoS ONE,
McClelland, C. J. R., N. C. Coops, E. E. Berman, S. P. Kearney, S. E. Nielsen, A. C. Burton, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2020. Detecting changes in understorey and canopy vegetation cycles in West Central Alberta using a fusion of Landsat and MODIS. Applied Vegetation Science 23:223-238.
Tattersall, E. R., J. M. Burgar, J. T. Fisher, and A. C. Burton. 2020. Boreal predator co-occurrences reveal shared use of seismic lines in a working landscape. Ecology and Evolution 10:1678-1691.
Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, N. Liu, M.-A. Parisien, Q. Barber, F. H. Koch, C. Burton, N. Mansuy, F. Campioni, and S. Choudhury. 2020. Assessing the trade-offs between timber supply and wildlife protection goals in boreal landscapes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50:243-258.
Zhao, J., M. B. Azad, E. M. Bertrand, C. Burton, V. A. Crooks, J. Dawson, A. T. Ford, A. Kaida, A. Krishnaswamy, C. Kuok, C. L. Mah, M. McTaggart, A. J. Moehring, D. Robert, A. Schulte-Hostedde, H. Sparling, M. A. De Vera, S. Waterman, and T. R. Patel. 2020. Canadian Science Meets Parliament: Building relationships between scientists and policymakers. Science and Public Policy 47:298-298.
Tattersall, E. R., Burgar, J. M., Fisher, J. T., & Burton, A. C. 2020. Mammal seismic line use varies with restoration: Applying habitat restoration to species at risk conservation in a working landscape. Biological Conservation 241:108295.
Broadley, K., A. C. Burton, T. Avgar, and S. Boutin. 2019. Density-dependent space use affects interpretation of camera trap detection rates. Ecology and Evolution 9:14031-14041.
Westwood, A.R., S.P. Otto, A. Mooers, C. Darimont, K.E. Hodges, C. Johnson, B.M. Starzomski, C. Burton, K.M.A. Chan, M. Festa-Bianchet, S. Fluker, S. Gulati, A.L. Jacob, D. Kraus, T.G. Martin, W.J. Palen, J.D. Reynolds, and J. Whitton. 2019. Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for developing species at risk legislation. Facets 4:136-160.
Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, F. H. Koch, M.-A. Parisien, T. Swystun, Q. Barber, A. C. Burton, S. Choudhury, and N. Liu. 2019. Prioritizing restoration of fragmented landscapes for wildlife conservation: A graph-theoretic approach. Biological Conservation 232:173-186.
Chen, C., Quan, R., Cao, G., Yang, H., Burton, A.C., Meitner, M. & Brodie, J.F. 2019. Effects of law enforcement and community outreach on mammal diversity in a biodiversity hotspot. Conservation Biology, 33:612-622.
Burgar, J. M., Burton, A. C., Fisher, J. T. 2019. The importance of considering multiple interacting species for conservation of species-at-risk. Conservation Biology, 33:709-715.
Burgar J., Stewart F, Volpe J, Fisher J, Burton A.C. 2018. Estimating density for species conservation: comparing camera trap spatial count models to genetic spatial capture-recapture models. Global Ecology and Conservation, 15:e00411.
Burton, A.C., J. T. Fisher, P. Adriaens, J. Treweek, D. Paetkau, M. Wikstrom, A. Callender,, R. Vardanyan, A. Stepanyan. 2018. Density and distribution of a brown bear (Ursus arctos) population within the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Mammalogy 99:1249-1260.
Fisher, J.T and A.C. Burton. 2018. Wildlife winners and losers in an oil sands landscape. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16:323-328.
Toews, M. F. Juanes and A.C. Burton. 2018. Mammal responses to the human footprint vary across species and stressors. Journal of Environmental Management 217:690-699.
Stewart, F., J.T. Fisher, A.C. Burton, and J.P. Volpe. 2018. Species occurrence data reflect the magnitude of animal movements better than the proximity of animal space use. Ecosphere 9:e02112.
Neilson, E.W., T. Avgar, A.C. Burton, K. Broadley and S. Boutin. 2018. Animal movement affects interpretation of occupancy models from camera trap surveys of unmarked animals. Ecosphere 9:e02092.
Frey, S., J.T. Fisher, A.C. Burton and J.P. Volpe. 2017. Investigating animal activity patterns and temporal niche partitioning using camera trap data: challenges and opportunities. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 3:123-132.
Caravaggi, A.; Banks, P.; Burton, C.; Finlay, C.; Haswell, P.; Hayward, M.; Rowcliffe, M.; Wood, M. 2017. A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 3:109-122.
Toews, M., F. Juanes and A.C. Burton. 2017. Mammal responses to human footprint vary with spatial extent but not with spatial grain. Ecosphere 8:e01735.
Steenweg, R, M. Hebblewhite, R. Kays, J. Ahumada, J.T. Fisher, C. Burton, et al. 2017. Scaling up camera traps: monitoring the planet’s biodiversity with networks of remote sensors. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:26-34.
2016 & Older
Brammer, J., N. Brunet, C. Burton, et al. 2016. The role of digital data entry in participatory environmental monitoring. Conservation Biology 30:1277-1287.
Burton, A.C., Neilson, E., Moreira, D., Ladle, A., Steenweg, R., Fisher, J.T., Bayne, E. & Boutin, S. 2015. Wildlife camera trapping: A review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52:675-685.
Burton, A.C., D. Huggard, E. Bayne, J. Schieck, P. Solymos, T. Muhly, D. Farr, S. Boutin. 2014. A framework for adaptive monitoring of the cumulative effects of human footprint on biodiversity. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186:3605-3617.
Danielsen, F., P.M. Jensen, N.D. Burgess, R. Altamirano, P.A. Alviola, H. Andrianandrasana, J.S. Brashares, A.C. Burton, et al. 2014. A Multi-Country Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local Communities. BioScience, 64:236-251.
Henschel P, Coad L, Burton C, Chataigner B, Dunn A, et al. 2014. The lion in West Africa is critically endangered. PLoS ONE 9: e83500.
Packer, C., A. Loveridge, S. Canney, …, A.C. Burton, et al. 2013. Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence. Ecology Letters, 16:635-641.